Lochside Arena
Corona Virus - Lochside Arena Controls
No more than 2 households / 8 people at any one booking
Social distancing to be maintained between households
All bookings are to be made online
All bookings include and extra 30 minutes. This is to allow time to get ready / pack up. Do not arrive before the start of your booking and ensure you have left before the end of your booking.
All individuals shall wash/sanitise hands when entering and leaving
arena -
Individuals should touch only the equipment and supplies necessary for
completing tasks of caring for and exercising the specific horse(s). -
Shared use of helmets, grooming supplies, tack, and other equipment
between individuals is prohibited. Clean and disinfect any equipment
that must be shared before and after use. -
Keep individual animal water bucket within the pens to ensure feed or
water can be provided without touching other animals/people. -
When handling shared facilities such as bin lids, hoses, etc., use good
biosecurity practices such as gloves, paper towels, hand-washing,
sanitiser or other methods, as appropriate, to avoid transmission. -
Clean all handles, gates and touchable surfaces including toilet facilities
before and after use. -
Kitchen facilities are not to be used. Food and drink is not to be
consumed within the arena building. -
When thinking about Covid biosecurity think about a Strangles type
protocol. -
Strictly keep 2m distances between arena users. Please be respectful
and diligent when using the arena to follow the biosecurity measures
and report to board members any issues. Details will be stored at
booking for contact tracing purposes of all attendees.